In Granbury, Texas, a once-tranquil community has been disrupted by the presence of a massive 300-megawatt Bitcoin mining facility owned by Marathon Digital. Since its establishment in 2022, residents have endured relentless noise pollution from the cooling fans of thousands of computers, resulting in rattling windows and ringing ears. Local wildlife and pets are also showing signs of extreme stress.
The broader implications extend to the entire state. Attracted by Texas's low taxes, abundant land, and deregulated energy market, cryptocurrency mines are proliferating. These operations are driving up electricity demands, potentially increasing utility bills for Texans and posing risks to the stability of the state’s power grid.
Residents have voiced health concerns, reporting hearing loss and stress-related issues due to the constant noise. Environmental impacts are also severe, with planned power plant expansions likely to increase carbon emissions, sparking criticism from climate activists.
In response, local law enforcement has issued multiple noise violation citations to the facility. State legislators are now worried that the significant energy consumption could trigger blackouts during peak demand periods.
As Texas navigates the challenges posed by Bitcoin mining, the debate between technological progress and community welfare remains heated.